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Bvsh Technologies Limited

Helping grow the FinTech Space in Nigeria

POS Agent

Our Mission

"At Bvsh Tech, our mission is to catalyze and propel the FinTech landscape in Nigeria into a realm of unprecedented growth and innovation. With a firm belief in the transformative power of financial technology, we are dedicated to creating an ecosystem where financial services are not just accessible but also tailored to the unique needs of the Nigerian populace. We envision a future where technology bridges gaps in financial inclusion, empowering individuals and businesses alike to navigate the financial landscape with ease and efficiency.

Driven by a commitment to excellence, we strive to foster collaboration among key stakeholders, including startups, established financial institutions, regulatory bodies, and technology experts. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies and strategic partnerships, we aim to introduce groundbreaking solutions that redefine the FinTech landscape in Nigeria. Our overarching goal is to contribute to the economic empowerment of individuals, foster financial resilience, and position Nigeria as a FinTech hub on the global stage. Through innovation, collaboration, and a steadfast dedication to progress, we aspire to be a driving force in shaping the future of finance in Nigeria."

Meet Our Team

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Nnamdi Ohia


10+ years of entrepreneurship experience and cofounder of numerous businesses in NIgeria.




Fadly Emetumah


Technical project manager with six years of experience managing high-value projects for various FinTech startups and financial institutions.



Contact us

Need support with any of our apps? Please send an email to or fill out the form below: